


Compose a PowerPoint presentation on one of the topics (see below). You will use visual materials, as well as textual information, located in credible websites (see the list below) to supplement the course material you’ve learned so far through textbook readings and videos.

-The topics are built upon the discussions and reading response questions for this course. Therefore, you can use the relevant work you’ve completed for the course.

If you would like to use a credible website not listed (below), you must email me ahead of time for approval to the use the website.

 You must have at least 8 slides, but no more than 15.

 You should include an “introductory” and “conclusion” slide; these will introduce your topic and summarize your main points.

 Each slide must have text (title, captions/citations, bullet points, etc.) as well as visuals (photographs, art, etc.)

-Be sure you provide captions on the date/author/title of each visual (when the information is available).

 Include citation information for all sources used, either on each slide or in a “References” slide at the end of the presentation. Use APA Style for your citations and/or References slides. When you take word-for-word from any source, put quotation marks around the passage and provide an APA citation.

-Refer to the “Resources and Policies” section of the course for Northwood’s policy on plagiarism and information on APA style. You can also refer to the brief “APA Guide”, located in Week 1 of the course.


  1. Resistance to Slavery: What was one particularly important slave revolt, 1607-1861? What were its causes, significance, and outcome(s)?
  2. The Revolutionary War: What was the impact of slaves who fought in the Revolutionary War? To what degree were slaves able to achieve freedom as a result of their service in the War?
  3. Activists: Choose one pivotal African American activist who protested slavery, racial inequalities, and/or political issues facing blacks, 1607-1861. What were his/her key ideas? What contributions did he/she make to the cause of free/enslaved blacks?
  4. Slavery over time and across locales: Choose one region in North America (the upper/lower south, Chesapeake colonies, New England, new territories in the West, etc.) and discuss the conditions of slavery over time.


 Textual narratives (with visuals and other sources) for each of the PBS videos we watched in class:

-The Terrible Transformation; Revolution; Brotherly Love; Judgement Day

 The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record (this website has a wealth of visual materials)

 PBS: Slave Rebellions Timeline

 Library of Congress webpages:

-Library of Congress on Slavery

-Library of Congress on Free Blacks in the Antebellum Period

-Library of Congress on Abolition

 Library of Congress: The African-American Mosaic


-Prominent Abolitionists

-Conflict of Abolition and Slavery

 National Humanities Center:

-The Varieties of Slave Labor

-How Slavery Affected African American Families

-Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs

 PBS, Slavery and the Making of America (see “Explore by Subject”)

 New York Public Library

-Lest We Forget: The Triumph over Slavery

-Oxford African American Studies Center: African Americans in the Revolutionary War