EEC1971 Module 3- Exploration Assignment: The Planning Process Solved




Effective early childhood professionals acquire knowledge and develop their teaching strategies across several key areas of practice.

Key Area of Practice for Module 03: The Planning Process

You now have knowledge and practices related to planning. However, the information collected is meaningful only if you can decipher and/or use it to promote a child’s growth and development. For this assignment, you will focus on how to plan curriculum and activities to meet the unique needs of learners. What instructional strategies will you plan to use?

To complete this assignment, first watch the video below to explore this key area of practice and how it can be applied in the field of early childhood education.

important This video intentionally spans child development across a continuum (over multiple age ranges). Remember, planning strategies should be applied to every age!


Next, answer the following questions. In your written responses, be sure to use complete sentences as well as proper punctuation and grammar.

    1. Reflect on this module’s key area of practice. Share specific examples of what this looked like in the video.

      NOTE: It is likely you gathered many planning strategies and reasons for planning from the video. However, you may have also noticed some developmentally inappropriate teaching strategies such as long wait times for children, the requirement to sit in rowed desks, or mandatory participation in whole group activities. As you reflect on question 2, be sure to think about how you will implement your planning strategies in developmentally appropriate ways.


    1. Share an example of how you plan to use this key area of practice in your work with young children and families.


  1. Briefly share one “a-ha” moment or a key take-away from the video.

Download the template containing these questions below. Be sure to rename the downloaded template with the current module number so you don’t overwrite an assignment from previous modules.