EC225 Module 04 Course Project – Family’s Human and Environmental Resource Plan Solved




Now you’re getting into the heart of your Family Resource Packet! Keep your chosen family in your mind as you develop this valuable resource devoted to managing human and environmental resources.
This assignment has two (2) parts. In Part 1, you will assess the internal and external human resources that are available to your chosen project-family. In Part 2, you will determine community-based environmental resources which will apply to your project-family.

  1. Download and open the Human and Environmental Resources Worksheet provided below:
  1. Part 1 of the worksheet focuses on Managing Human Resources. You will need to assess the internal and external human resources that are available to your project-family, complete the table provided, then answer the reflection questions that follow the table.

Part 2 of the worksheet is focused on Managing Environmental Resources. For this part, you will be locating environmental resources which would benefit your family’s needs and ability.