EC200 Module 03 Journal – Observations and DAP Solved




For this journal, you will practice observing one child, while focusing on developmentally appropriateness.


First, practice observing one child by watching the following video:

Next, your journal entry should contain the following two parts:

Part One – Observational Notes

  • Use observational notes in a K-W-L chart, or anecdotal notes, or a running record to document your observation. You may choose to use a combination of one or more of these methods to gather information.

Part Two – Reflection

  • Reflect on what you learned from your observations and answer the following questions:
    • What specific developmental information did you learn about the child selected in the video?
    • How could you use this information to create learning goals for the child?
  • Describe how the method(s) you selected is a developmentally appropriate practice:
    • Is it authentic?
    • What is the purpose?
    • Does it focus only on that individual child?
    • Is it objective?