Arguments Worksheet Solved




Select one of the following articles and use the hyperlinks below to access it from Opposing Viewpoints in Context:

Write a 25- to 50-word response to each of the following prompts:

  1. What is the issue in the argument you selected?
<Enter your response here.>
  1. Provide an unbiased explanation of all viewpoints or premises of the issue.
<Enter your response here.>
  1. Which viewpoint or premise is weak or irrelevant? Explain why.
<Enter your response here.>
  1. Is the argument inductive or deductive? Why?
<Enter your response here.>
  1. What is the value of understanding multiple viewpoints before forming an opinion or argument?
<Enter your response here.>
  1. Provide an APA-formatted reference for the article you reviewed. Use the Citation Tools link in the Tools section to the right of the article for assistance, and select “APA, 6th Edition” from the drop-down menu.
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